
A List of Acresal Stakeholders Comprises the State Steering and Technical Committees, Partners and Beneficiaries.

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Meet our Project Stakeholders

Below is a listing of stakeholders of  the ACReSAL  project, such as the State Project Steering Committee, partners and beneficiaries.

State Steering Committee

  1. Commissioner, Ministry of Water Resources, Environment and Climate Change – Chairman
  2. Commissioner, Ministry of Agriculture – Co-Chairman
  3. Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Water Resources, Environment and Climate Change – Member
  4. Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture – Member
  5. DG/CEO, Benue State Planning Commission – Member
  6. Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Lands and Surveys – Member
  7. Permanent Secretary, Ministry for Cooperative, Urban and Rural Development and Cooperatives – Member
  8. Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development – Member
  9. Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Housing and Urban Development – Member
  10. Executive Secretary, Benue State Emergency Management Agency – Member
  11. The Project Coordinator, Benue ACReSAL – Secretary
    Benue ACReSAL SPC leads team on Community Sensitization across the State

State Technical Committee

  1. Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Water Resources, Environment and Climate Change – Chairman
  2. The Director Environment, Ministry of Water Resources, Environment and Climate Change – Member
  3. The Director Engineering Services, Ministry of Water Resources, Environment and Climate Change – Member
  4. The Director Forestry Services, Ministry of Water Resources, Environment and Climate Change – Member
  5. The Director Urban Water Supply and Quality Control, Ministry of Water Resources, Environment and Climate Change – Member
  6. The Director Rural Water Supply and Sanitation, Ministry of Water Resources, Environment and Climate Change – Member
  7. The Director Agricultural Engineering Services, Ministry of Agriculture – Member
  8. The Director Agricultural Services, Ministry of Agriculture  – Member
  9. The Director Livestock Services, Ministry of Agriculture – Member
  10. The Director Civil Engineering Services, Ministry of Works and Housing – Member
  11. The Director Social Welfare, Ministry of Women Affairs – Member
  12. The Director Press and Public Relations, Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism – Member
  13. The Director Education Support Services, Ministry of Education – Member
  14. The Director Urban Planning and Development Control, Ministry for Cooperative, Urban and Rural Development – Member
  15. The Project Coordinator, Benue ACReSAL – Secretary

Other Stakeholders/Proposed Partners

  1. Joseph Sarwuan Tarka University, Makurdi. JOSTUM; Technical strengthening, provision of land for Forestry and Climate SMART Agriculture.
  2. Benue State University, Makurdi; Technical strengthening in Watershed Planning and Modelling using both human and other institutional resources in the department of Geography.
  3. Akperan Orshi Polytechnic, Yandev; Technical strengthening, provision of land for Forestry and Climate SMART Agriculture.
  4. Centre for Food Technology and Research CEFTER; Technical strengthening in Climate SMART Agriculture particularly tackling Post Harvest loses in our communities.
  5. Lower Benue River Basin Development Authority; Technical strengthening in Integrated Watershed Management particularly in the Lower Benue River Basin.
  6. Association of Local Government of Nigeria (ALGON); Community Sensitizationand mobilization of Local Government Councils for ACReSAL implementation at the Local Government Areas.
  7. Radio Benue Makurdi; Community Sensitization and Media Coverage of Benue ACReSAL across the State
  8. Benue Television Makurdi; Community Sensitization and Media Coverage of Benue ACReSAL across the State
  9. Nigerian Television Authority Makurdi; Community Sensitization and Media Coverage of Benue ACReSAL across the State
  10. Fadama III; Technical strengthening and partnership to leverage on FADAMA existing intervention structures at various community levels as a Co-World Bank funded project.
  11. Community and Social Development Agency (CSDA); Technical strengthening and partnership to leverage on CSDA existing intervention structures at various community levels as a Co-World Bank funded project
  12. Tactical Air Command Nigerian Airforce ; Partnership, technical strengthening and provision of Climate and Meteorological Data for Benue State.
  13. Department of State Service (DSS); Partnership, technical strengthening and provision of security Coverage for Benue ACReSAL activities across the State
  14. Nigerian Police; Partnership, technical strengthening and provision of security Coverage for Benue ACReSAL activities across the State
  15. Nigerian Security and Civil Defense Corps (NCDSC); Partnership, technical strengthening and provision of security Coverage for Benue ACReSAL activities across the State

Non-Governmental Organizations

  1. Benue ACReSAL Focal NGO (FONGO) – Good Health Living Environmental Foundation
  2. Benue Network of Non-Governmental Organization (BENGONET); Partnership in Participatory Watershed Management and mobilization of Civil Society and Community  Based Organizations (CSOs/CBOs)
  3. Benue Environmental Conservation initiative (BECI); Partnership in Participatory Watershed Management and Natural Resources Conservation at Community levels.
  4. Environmental and Climate Change Amelioration Initiative (ECCAI), Makurdi Benue State; Partnership in Participatory climate change mitigation and adaptation at Community levels.
  5. All Farmers Association of Nigeria (AFAN), Benue State Branch; Community Sensitization and mobilization of Farmers and Farmers Groups across Local Government Councils for Benue ACReSAL implementation at the Local Government Areas.
  6. Forestry Association of Nigerian FAN; Partnership in Participatory Forest Management and  Conservation at the levels in Benue State.
  7. Benefiting Communities.

Other Stakeholders
1. Water Users Association Nig.

2. Institute of Water Engineers

3. All Farmers Association of Nig.

4. Forestry Association of Nigeria (FAN)

5. Federation of Muslim Women Association in Nigeria

6. Offtakers

7. Nigerian Environmental Society (NES)

8. Greenwatch Initiative (Consultant)

9. Association of Local Government of Nigeria (ALGON)

10. Female Headed Households

11. Small Scale Women Farmers Organization of Nigeria (SWOFON) Women Group

12. Okada Riders Association (Youth Group)

13. Coalition of Civil Society Organization